Demande d’adhésion du programme étudiant(e)/apprenti(e)

Student Form French
If accepted for Membership the applicant agrees to comply with MNECA bylaws and website member rules. The applicant agrees that MNECA may accept the enclosed membership fee and provide services pending the determination of this member application.


This form is for Members of the Moncton Northeast Construction Association (MNECA) wishing to obtain access to the secured section (Electronic Plans Room) of our Website and access to the Construction Information Network (CINet).

Prior to the MNECA activating your user ID and password for the secured section of our Website, including CINet, users must read and agree to the following terms of membership.

  1. In this document reference made to the secured section of the MNECA Website, and hereinafter referenced as MNECA Website, includes those sections which are the property of MNECA as well CINet, to which MNECA is a partner.
  2. The MNECA Website is intended to be for information purposes only. MNECA does not warrant or represent that it will meet any specific requirements or that it will be error free or uninterrupted. Every effort is made to ensure that the information on the MNECA Website is accurate and up to date, however, MNECA makes no warranties as to the completeness, accuracy, or timeliness of the information.
  3. All information services and features contained in the MNECA Website are intended for the private use of MNECA member companies that are registered as users. Any commercial or other unauthorized use of the information contained therein, including reverse engineering of the drawings, in part or whole, is expressly forbidden. This User ID is provided for the sole use of the registered member company only and the use of the said User ID by any other company is strictly prohibited.
  4. The integrity of the CINet rests in the ability of MNECA to insure its clients, design professionals and owners, that material they have supplied is used only for the purpose for which it was intended, i.e. information required in the tendering of projects. Unless otherwise noted, such material has copyrighted ownership vested as noted on the documents. The use of these materials in anyway not authorized is illegal and punishable under the Criminal Code of Canada.
  5. Use MNECA’s Website is a privilege which may be revoked by MNECA at any time for any improper use whatsoever including, but not limited to, any breach of the rules set out herein.
  6. The user agrees to abide by such rules and regulations of MNECA’s Website usage, as noted above or, as may be proclaimed from time to time by MNECA, or its partners. In consideration for the privilege of using the MNECA Website, and in consideration for having access to the information contained therein, the undersigned user hereby releases the MNECA, its Directors, staff, participating design professionals, owners and contractors and any persons or institutions with which they are affiliated from any and all claims of any nature arising from the use, or inability to use the MNECA Website or any information contained therein. The undersigned user agrees to indemnify the MNECA or any of the above, for any loss suffered by any reason of improper use of the MNECA Website by the user. The undersigned user further agrees to be accountable for any damages resulting from the user's improper use of the MNECA Website and information contained therein.
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Student Membership Program 24-25